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Огнезащитное покрытие кабеля

Сертификат сертификации: три системных сертификата, сертификация SGS.
страна происхождения:Китай

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Белый и Серый 4 тонны 834 долл./тонна 972 долл./тонна Т/Т,Л/К,Д/П,Д/Д,ПайПал 60 тонн/день Доставка в течение 3-х дней после поступления оплаты. 25 кг/баррель 31см*31см*36см
Примечание. Для нанесения огнезащитного покрытия требуется примерно 1 кг толщиной 1 мм на квадратный метр.

Введение продукта:

YDAH-102 cable fireproof coating is a new type of fireproof coating developed by our company according to the GB28374-2012 standard of the Ministry of Public Security. It is a water-based (oil-based) fireproof coating widely used in wires and cables in China. When the coating is exposed to fire, it can generate a uniform and dense sponge foam thermal insulation layer, which can effectively inhibit and block the spread and spread of flame, and protect wires and cables. Its main advantages are: environmental protection, pollution-free, non-toxic and odorless, and no threat to the health of the coating personnel. This product also has the characteristics of thin coating, strong adhesion, good flexibility, and good insulation and anti-corrosion functions. This product is widely used for flame retardant treatment of wires and cables in power plants, industrial and mining areas, telecommunications, and civil buildings. It can also be used for fire protection of combustible substrates in wooden structures, metal structures, and underground engineering.

Показатели эффективности:

Состояние в контейнере тонкость вязкость время высыхания Маслостойкость Устойчивость к теплу и влаге Устойчивость к циклу замораживания-оттаивания Сопротивление изгибу
Без комочков, однородное состояние после перемешивания. ≤90 мкм ≥70 лет Поверхностное высыхание ≤ 5 часов, фактическое высыхание ≤ 24 часа. Выдержать 7 дней, покрытие не имеет складок, отслоений и пузырей. Выдержать 7 дней, покрытие не имеет складок, отслоений и пузырей. После 15 циклов покрытие не имеет складок, отслоений и пузырей. Покрытие не отслаивается, не отслаивается и не отслаивается.

Инструкции по строительству:

Step 1: Before applying cable fireproof coating, the floating dust, oil stains, debris, etc. on the surface of the cable should be cleaned and polished clean. The fireproof coating can only be applied after the surface is dry. Step 2: The construction of cable fireproof coating adopts spraying, brushing and other methods. When using, it should be thoroughly stirred evenly. When the coating is slightly thick, it can be diluted with an appropriate amount of tap water for easy spraying. Step 3: During the construction process and before the coating dries, waterproofing, sun protection, pollution prevention, movement prevention, and bending prevention should be carried out. If there is any damage, it should be repaired in a timely manner. Step 4: The thickness of each coating should not flow downwards. Generally, the thickness of the first coating is about 0.3-0.5mm. After the previous coating is basically cured, the next coating should be applied until it reaches the thickness required by the fire resistance limit level; For wires and cables with plastic or rubber outer skin, they are generally directly coated for more than 5 times, with a coating thickness of 0.5-1mm and an approximate dosage of 1.5kg/m2. For insulated cables packaged with oil paper, a layer of glass fiber cloth should be wrapped first before coating. If construction is carried out outdoors or in a humid environment, a matching surface varnish should be added.

Упаковка и транспортировка:

1. Cable fireproof coating is packaged in metal or plastic drums. 2. Cable fireproof coating should be stored in a cool, dry, and ventilated environment. During product transportation, it is necessary to prevent exposure to sunlight, rain, damage to packaging drums, tipping, and spillage. 4. The effective storage period of cable fireproof coating is 6 months.

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  • Компания Хэбэй Баохан Огнестойкие Материалы, ООО
  • +86 18032602060admin@baohangfireproof.com
  • Деревня Да Мэнцяо, уезд Дачэн, город Ланфан, провинция Хэбэй, Китай
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  • Компания Хэбэй Баохан Огнестойкие Материалы, ООО
  • +86 18032602060admin@baohangfireproof.com
  • Деревня Даменцяо, уезд Дачэн, город Ланфан, провинция Хэбэй, Китай
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