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Односторонний силикон толщиной 0,6 мм. Красный, черный, серый 20 роллов 50м*1м 202 доллара США за рулон 230 долларов США за рулон 200 рулонов в день сумка
Односторонний силикон толщиной 1,0 мм. 20 роллов 230 долларов США за рулон 257 долларов США за рулон
Односторонний силикон толщиной 1,2 мм. 10 роллов 257 долларов США за рулон 285 долларов США за рулон
Односторонний силикон толщиной 1,5 мм. 10 роллов 396 долларов США за рулон 424 доллара США за рулон
Двусторонний силикон толщиной 1,0 мм. 10 роллов 313 долларов США за рулон 340 долларов США за рулон
Двусторонний силикон толщиной 1,2 мм. 10 роллов 396 долларов США за рулон 424 доллара США за рулон
Двусторонний силикон толщиной 1,5 мм. 10 роллов 550 долларов США за рулон 605 долларов США за рулон

1. Состав материала:

Basic material: Usually glass fiber cloth is used as the foundation. Fiberglass has the advantages of high temperature resistance, high strength, and good electrical insulation, providing strong structural support for fireproof fabrics. Coating material: Silicon titanium composite material is coated on the surface of glass fiber cloth. Silicon titanium alloy has excellent high temperature resistance, oxidation resistance, and corrosion resistance. When combined with glass fiber, it further enhances the overall performance of the material.

2. Эксплуатационные характеристики:

Excellent fire resistance: It belongs to non combustible materials and can withstand high temperatures. It can maintain the integrity and stability of the structure for a long time, and is not easy to burn, melt or produce harmful gases in high temperature environments. For example, in the event of a fire, it can effectively block the spread of flames and heat, saving valuable time for personnel evacuation and firefighting rescue. Good temperature resistance: It can generally be used normally within the temperature range of -70 ℃ to 1300 ℃. Whether in extremely cold low-temperature environments or high-temperature industrial production environments, it can maintain good performance without deformation, cracking, or other problems due to temperature changes. High chemical stability: It has good tolerance to various chemical substances such as acids, bases, and salts, and is not easily corroded in harsh chemical environments. It is suitable for special environments in chemical, petroleum, and other industries. Good flexibility: The texture is soft, with good flexibility and processability, making it easy to cut, sew, and paste. It is suitable for protecting and wrapping surfaces of various complex shaped objects. Excellent electrical insulation performance: It has high electrical insulation performance and can be used for insulation protection of electrical equipment to ensure the safe operation of electrical systems.

3. Области применения:

In the industrial field, it is used for insulation and fire protection of pipelines and equipment in industries such as steel, metallurgy, power, and chemical. For example, wrapping high-temperature pipelines can reduce heat loss and prevent burns to personnel; In welding, cutting and other workplaces, it can be used as a protective curtain to block sparks from splashing. In the field of architecture, it can be used for fire separation, fire sealing, and insulation of roofs and walls in buildings. As a material for smoke barriers, it can effectively block the lateral flow of smoke under the building ceiling and improve the smoke exhaust effect. Aerospace field: Due to its excellent performance, it can be applied to fire prevention, insulation, and structural reinforcement of aerospace equipment such as aircraft and rockets. In the automotive field, it is used for insulation and fire prevention of car engine compartments, as well as wrapping of car exhaust pipes, reducing heat radiation, and improving the safety and comfort of cars.

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  • Деревня Да Мэнцяо, уезд Дачэн, город Ланфан, провинция Хэбэй, Китай
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  • Компания Хэбэй Баохан Огнестойкие Материалы, ООО
  • +86 18032602060admin@baohangfireproof.com
  • Деревня Даменцяо, уезд Дачэн, город Ланфан, провинция Хэбэй, Китай
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